Don't Miss The Fun!
Hello OWFI!
As the cooler weather begins to roll in, your OWFI officers and committee chairs are hard at work for you. You should expect your Fall newsletter, The Report, at the end of this month/beginning of November. It'll have all the info pertaining to the upcoming OWFI annual writing contest. I hope you're hard at work on your entries!
What's up next?! So glad you asked!
The House of Eternal Return
It's taken me a while to collect my thoughts. This place was wild, let me tell. I don't know everything. I think all members of my party have part of the story.
This place is a house. But something happened here. Something bad that broke reality. The house seems okay at first. Normal. Nice, even. But then, as you look around, you start to see things. Like the bathroom. The medicine cabinet led to... I don't know where. I may be the white rabbit, but I'm not ready to go down that hole.
There are holes there. Like a place where there used to be teeth. I can't help but feel like that light isn't really a light. Like how an anglerfish uses light to lure its prey...
There is a person stuck in this toilet. Do you see that? I think it's the little boy that lived here. He died. I'm not sure how. But his parents, they tried to bring him back. And that's how the world broke. It gets weirder from here. Are you ready?
The refrigerator is a doorway. The backdoor leads to a yard that's part yard and part enchanted forest. There are doorways to other worlds and places where one world is slowly transforming into another. There's more to this mystery than I understand. I hope to return to The House of Eternal Return someday.
An Exciting Announcement!
Happy Summer, OWFI!
I hope your summer is full of fun as you enjoy whatever vacation you have planned. While your out enjoying all that sun, don't forget your sunscreen OR that your OWFI officers are hard at work on making this year even greater than the last.
In fact, we have a fabulous new virtual workshop we're SO excited to announce.