Join OWFI or Renew Your OWFI Membership — Oklahoma Writers' Federation, Inc. (OWFI)

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MemberS at Large

Whether it's your first time joining OWFI, or you're renewing your membership, we're happy you're here. Being a part of OWFI gives you access to marketing and networking opportunities; writing contests; regional writing conferences; virtual workshops; The Report, our newsletter; and so much more!

Below, you’ll find information on becoming a Member at Large or Affiliate Member. We also have discounted memberships for military ID holders and free memberships for full-time high school and college students. If this applies to you, be sure to visit these programs before completing your membership registration.

...for only $30 per year!

A Member at Large is a part of the larger, unaffiliated membership of OWFI. You have full access to all of OWFI's membership benefits.

The following membership is valid anytime and auto-renews every year on your registration/renewal date. Join or renew your membership at any time of the year, and that membership expires precisely one year after that. All we need is permission to charge you $30 a year from now. There's no simpler way to keep your membership up-to-date.

Don’t want to auto-renew?

The following membership is valid for one year after your registration/renewal date. 
No additional charges will be made to your account. Student Members at Large, please select this option to use with your coupon code.

...for only $25 per year!

An Affiliate Member is a member of OWFI and a member of one of its affiliate clubs. Some affiliate clubs require membership dues of their own, and these must be paid first. Otherwise, you must join/renew as a Member at Large.

If you're not a part of an affiliate club but would like to be, click here to locate an affiliate club in your area.

The following membership is valid anytime and auto-renews every year on your registration/renewal date. Join or renew your membership at any time of the year, and that membership expires precisely one year after that. All we need is permission to charge you $25 a year from now. There's no simpler way to keep your membership up-to-date.

Don’t want to auto-renew?

The following membership is valid for one year after your registration/renewal date. 
No additional charges will be made to your account. Student Affiliates, please select this option to use with your coupon code.

Don’t forget, if you are a full-time student, you are eligible for free membership in OWFI. Click here to apply for the student membership program at no cost to you! You must renew your student membership every year.

If you’re a military ID holder, you may be eligible for a discounted Member at Large or Affiliate membership. Click here to apply before completing your membership registration.

If you are an affiliate group representative, and you want to register more than one member at a time, click hereMembers registered this way must renew their affiliate memberships every year.

All One Year memberships expire precisely one year following your registration/renewal date. If you register or renew by snail mail, your membership will effectively begin on the date that your purchase is processed and you receive your invitation/renewal email from us.