- Ada Writer's Group
- Bartlesville WordWeavers
- Central Region Oklahoma Writers
- Creative Quills
- Enid Writers Club
- Green Country Ruff Riters
- Hunt and Peck
- The Inklings
- Invite to Write
- Last Wednesday Writers of Oklahoma
- McAlester's McSherry Writers
- Mid-Oklahoma Writers
- Norman Galaxy of Writers
- Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.
- Oklahoma Romance Writers Guild
- Pen and Keyboard Writers
- Prosateurs
- Romance Ink
- Rose Rock wRiters
- Tahlequah Writers
- Tornado Alley Sisters in Crime
- Tulsa NightWriters
- Tulsa Writers Syndicate
- Writers of the Purple Sage
Members at Large
Location: Anywhere!
Contact: Aleasha Wales Shelnutt
Join OWFI from anywhere in the world without belonging to an affiliate group.
Arkansas Ridge Writers
Location: Arkansas and Missouri
Contact: Dusty Richards
Northwest Arkansas Writers' Workshop
When: Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.
Where: The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Ozarks Writers League (OWL)
When: Quarterly on the third Saturday in February, May, August, and November from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Where: Plaster Auditorium, College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, Missouri, off of U.S. Hwy 65, south of Branson
Central Region Oklahoma Writers
Website: crowowfigroup.wixsite.com/website
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Contact: Alicia Dean
We are a group of writers from all genres whose goal is to support, encourage, and have fun. We want to learn and grow as writers and help others to do the same.
When: Third Saturday of each month at 1:30 p.m.
Where: Virtual Meetings
Creative Quills
Website: www.creativequills.com
Location: El Reno, Oklahoma
Contact: Andrea Foster, 405-368-5047
Creative Quills is a creative writing group and publisher that also creates live events and publishing opportunities to give writers creative spark, editing and publishing experience to add to resumes, and confidence. We are involved in numerous community projects in and around the NW area of towns just outside of OKC.
When: Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Where: El Reno Carnegie Library

Enid Writers Club
Website: enidwrites.wordpress.com
Location: Enid, Oklahoma
Contact: Peggy Chambers, 580-554-1956
The oldest writing club in Oklahoma, Enid Writers Club strives for professionalism in techniques and marketing of all types of writing at every skill level. Our mission is:
To enjoy written roll call participation by members.
To strive for professionalism in techniques and marketing.
To increase membership.
To encourage participation in local and state contests.
To increase public awareness of EWC through all available media in Enid.
To encourage membership in OWFI (Oklahoma Writers Federation, Inc.).
To polish your writing to the best of your ability.
To enjoy the writers’ journey.
When: First Thursday of each month from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Northwestern Oklahoma State University Conference Room
Fort Worth Writers
Website: fortworthwriters.net
Location: Fort Worth, Texas
Contact: Roger Latham
Weekly Critiques and Programs to support writing careers.
When: Saturdays at 9:30 a.m.
Where: Westminster Presbyterian Church
Green Country Ruff Riters
Website: www.facebook.com/GreenCountryRuffRiters
Location: Poteau, Oklahoma
Contact: Vinita Eggers
When: Second Saturday of the month
Where: Patrick Lynch Public Library
Hunt and Peck
Location: Yukon, Oklahoma
Contact: Marla Jones, 405-354-7422
Writers and illustrators have lunch together and talk shop.
When: Most Fridays at 1 p.m.
Where: The Olde Orchard Restaurant
The Inklings
Location: Oklahoma City and Tahlequah, OklahomaContact: Lisa Marotta, 405-659-5018
The Inklings are a mixed genre writing group that originally formed in 2000. Our current membership consists of six writers. Four of The Inklings live in the Oklahoma City metro area, and two members live in Tahlequah Oklahoma. Twice a year we meet in Tahlequah for a retreat weekend of writing, resting, and critiquing at Lake Tenkiller. Most of our members meet at OWFI every May and "shake our hallelujah basket" for winners at the annual conference banquet. This month we are launching an online critique component to our group to incorporate our Tahlequah members more regularly. At this time we are not accepting new members.
When: We meet the third Monday of the month in Oklahoma City, OK, and do retreats two times per year in Tahlequah, OK.
Where: Panera Bread, Oklahoma City, OK
Invite to Write
Location: Hydro, OklahomaContact: Vivian Zabel
The group is comprised of beginner through professional writers, those who wish to write as a hobby as well as those who want to be published or have been published. Wanting to improve writing skills, the group will work together to help each other become better writers.
When: First Saturday of each month from 10 to 11 a.m.
Where: 35427 State Highway 58, Hydro, OK 73048
Kansas City Writers Group
Location: Mission, Kansas
Contact: Carolyn Hall
When: Two 10-week semesters taking place in the spring and in the fall, from 10:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Where: 6000 Lamar in Mission, Kansas
Kansas Writers Association
Website: www.kwawriters.org
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter
Location: Wichita, Kansas
Contact: KWA Board
Meetings usually include a workshop on the craft or business of writing and time to network with other writers.
When: Third Saturday of each month from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: Rockwell Branch Library
Last Wednesday Writers of Oklahoma
Website: lwwofok.wixsite.com/lwwofok
Location: Claremore, Oklahoma
Contact: Mark Cook
Our goal is to provide a local resource for new and aspiring writers. We intend to provide accountability, encouragement, constructive criticism, fellowship, industry news, market trends, and learning opportunities for all members.
When: Last Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m.
Where: Northeast Technology Center
Lone Star NightWriters
Location: Denton, Texas
Contact: Dan Case, 940-395-2836
When: Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.
Where: 3505 Paint Dr, Denton, Texas
McAlester's McSherry Writers
Location: McAlester, Oklahoma
Contact: Sharon Ervin, 918-423-8647
When: First and third Saturdays of each month at 1:00 p.m.
Where: McAlester Public Library Conference Room
Members at Large
Location: Your City, USA
Contact: Sabrina Fish
For OWFI Members across the nation who do not belong to an OWFI Affiliate group.
We are represented on the Executive Board by 2 Delegate Members. We have a group channel on the OWFI Slack platform, where we can discuss our writing, news, and get to know each other. Once a month, we have a live online social hour.
Visit the Member Chat page to be added to that board.
Member-at-Large Monthly Live Social Hour
When: First Sunday of each month at 3 p.m.
Where: #membersatlarge on the OWFI Slack platform.
Mid-Oklahoma Writers
Location: Midwest City, Oklahoma
Contact: Candyce Shima, 405-403-0972
When: Second Tuesday of each month, except July and August, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Tom Steed Center, Rose State College
Midwest Pen & Ink
Website: novelcliquepress.wordpress.com
Location: Leawood, Kansas
Contact: Dawn Allen
Midwest Pen & Ink meets at a coffee shop and works from an agenda each Tuesday. They also schedule regular retreats. In addition, Midwest Pen & Ink has a group (First Tuesdays) for beginning writers that meets once a month.
When: Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m.
Where: Take Five, 5336 W 151st St, Leawood, Kansas

Nevermore Edits
Website: www.nevermoreedits.org
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Contact: Eris O'Reilly or Jack Burgos
Social Media: Facebook
Nevermore Edits is a writing critique group in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Its mission is to provide opportunities for writers and readers to come together to improve their craft; to facilitate social networking among writers, readers, editors, and publishers; and to encourage diversity in the literary arts and the greater Tulsa community.
Nevermore Edits meets twice weekly (every Wednesday and Friday) to workshop all types of writing, including, poetry, memoirs, horror, romance, science fiction, and anything in between.

NE: Hardesty (Wednesdays)
When: Every Wednesday from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Hardesty Regional Library

NE: Phantasmagoria (Fridays)
When: Every Friday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Phantasmagoria Books and Records
Norman Galaxy of Writers
Location: Norman, Oklahoma
Contact: Cindy Noble
When: First Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Where: Norman Public Library
Friday Writers
When: Fridays, from September to May, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Where: Norman Senior Citizens Center
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.
Website: www.okcwriters.org
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Contact: Shelley Pagach, 405-782-0431
Enter through the north door, Room 130 will be through the 2nd door on your left. Come early for coffee and networking at 10:00 a.m.
When: Third Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Where: St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Room 130
Oklahoma Romance Writers Guild
Website: www.oklahomaromancewritersguild.com
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Contact: Sabrina Fish
Formed in 2019, our mission is to provide a place for all Oklahoma romance writers, no matter their sub-genre or level, to meet up and discuss all things pertinent to the craft and business of writing romance.
NOTE: OKRWG is not affiliated with Romance Writers of America or their Oklahoma Chapter, however, we do encourage you to check them out if you're interested in the Romance genre's national organization.
When: First Saturday of each month from 2–4 p.m.
Where: Pioneer Library System - Southwest Oklahoma City Public Library, Room A-B
Ozark Mountains Guild of Writers
Location: Fayetteville, Arkansas
Contact: Meg Welch Dendler, 832-922-3294
The Ozark Mountains Guild of Writers are a supportive group of writers and editors with a goal of helping each other improve their writing with an eye toward publication.
When: Second and fourth Monday of each month from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Call to confirm.
Pen and Keyboard Writers
Website: http://www.penandkeyboard.org
Location: Edmond, Oklahoma
Contact: Jim Martin, President , 405-285-4208
Regular meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM unless conflicting with a recognized holiday. Meetings are held utilizing ZOOM. Details or changes in their meetings may be found on their website. Visitors and Prospective Members are welcome. ZOOM Meeting ID and PassCode are available by completing the “Join or Visit” request on the website.
Pen and Keyboard Writers of Edmond, Oklahoma has been meeting regularly since August of 2002 and is an affiliate club of OWFI. Members are dedicated to mutually assisting others with writing and publication in any genre, poetry or prose. Membership in OWFI is highly encouraged and Pen and Keyboard members support the organization’s Annual Conference and Writing Competitions.
Website: prosateurs.blogspot.com
Location: Ada, Oklahoma
Contact: Stephen Bagley
Prosateurs is a group of authors and poets whose main focus is to publish traditionally, although we recognize the merits of self-publishing. We are a closed group with requirements for joining and participating.
When: First Friday of each month from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Where: Ada Public Library
Red Dirt Writers Society
Website: www.reddirtwriters.org
Location: Guthrie, Oklahoma
Contact: Larry Foreman
When: Second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
Where: 3507 Homesteaders Ln, Guthrie, Oklahoma
Romance Ink
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Contact: Sarah Basore
When: Second Saturday of each month at 1:00 p.m.
Where: Luby's Cafeteria, inside Plaza Mayor at the Crossroads Mall
Rose Rock wRiters
Website: www.facebook.com/Rose-Rock-wRiters-166852723352015
Location: Norman, Oklahoma
Contact: Vickey Malone Kennedy, 405-549-6127
Rose Rock wRiters invites writers of any genre to join our group. We offer an online community of writers who share their writing knowledge and experience. We are dedicated to helping promote our members. We meet annually at the OWFI conference.
Rose Rock wRiters does not charge membership dues to join our affiliate.
Rose Rock wRiters gather at the Norman West Library from 10-2 on Fridays to wRite and talk about wRiting. There is a Café in the library, so we can caffeinate and wRite and talk longer and faster. All meetings are free and open to the public.
When: Fridays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Pioneer Library System – Norman Public Library West
Stillwater Writers Group
Location: Stillwater, Oklahoma
Contact: Sharon Hudgins
When: Third Saturday of each month
Where: Citizens State Bank
Tahlequah Writers
Location: Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Contact: Karen Coody Cooper, 918-207-0093
We assist Tahlequah Friends of the Library with their annual Starwatch Anthology Contest. We produced the first TW anthology called Green Country (September 2016) and produced the second annual TW "Voices From Ink" day-long panels of writers and readers during Tahlequah's Arts on the Avenue on October 1, 2016.
Monthly meeting offers speakers and critique sessions.
When: Third Saturday of each month (except December) at 2 p.m.
Where: Cherokee Arts Center
Texoma Writers
Location: Sherman, Texas
Contact: Marion Hill
We are a small (but hopefully growing) group of writers who work in various genres and are at different levels of experience. Genres represented include: science fiction, mystery novels, mainstream novels, poetry, and essays. Some members of our group are traditionally published, some self-published, and some aspiring to be published. What unites us is an interest in good writing, also a desire to become better at what we do.
Monthly meeting offers speakers and critique sessions.
When: Either the first or second Friday of each month (depending on library's and members' schedules) at 10:30 a.m.
Where: Sherman Public Library

Tulsa NightWriters
Website: tulsanightwriters.wordpress.com
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Contact: Blake Collier, 918-671-0420
The mission of Tulsa NightWriters Club for over sixty-five years has been to provide a platform for writers of all levels and abilities to receive support, encouragement, and the tools to achieve their writing goals, whether for publication or personal enjoyment. We offer monthly informational and inspirational speakers, networking with other writers and publishing professionals, help with book promotion, and opportunities to achieve through local, state and national writing competitions and conferences. Our annual "Craft of Writing" Conference is held in the fall, and a perk of membership is an annual Flash Writing Contest with cash awards.
The Tulsa NightWriters Club members write screen and stage plays, poetry, murder mysteries, science fiction, thrillers, romance, memoirs, fiction, non-fiction, historical, short stories, biographies and every other genre.
Our motto: Tulsa NightWriters/ Supporting writers and soon-to-be writers on their journey to publication.
We encourage visitors to try two or three of our meetings to see if they would like to join. Writers of all genres are welcome and encouraged to participate.
When: Third Tuesday of each month. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Allee Beth Martin East Regional Library Auditorium

Tulsa Writers Syndicate
Website: www.facebook.com/groups/520120585438106
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Contact: Bre Lockhart
The Tulsa Writers Syndicate was created to provide an inclusive learning environment with networking opportunities for local authors.
TWS welcomes all publishing mindsets and focuses on helping writers of any background and interest level become successful business-minded authors.
When: One Sunday per month from 2:30 to 4 p.m. (regular meetings) and one Thursday per month from 6 to 7 p.m. (social hour meet-ups).
Where: Hardesty Library (regular meetings) and TBD (social hour meet ups)

Website: www.wordsmithsix.com
Location: Canyon, Texas
Contact: Rory C. Keel
WordsmithSix is a diverse group of men and women. Our writing crosses several boundaries of genres such as Inspirational, Christian Fiction, Historical fiction, Women's Fiction, Women's Literary, Romance, YA, Thriller, and Horror.
When: Fourth Thursday of each month.
Where: 1415 23rd St, Canyon, TX 79015
The Write Ingredients
Location: The Woodlands, TX
Contact: Jonna Smith, 281-770-6025
We are a small, invitation only group focused on supporting and encouraging each other's writing goals.
Writers of the Purple Sage
Location: Woodward, Oklahoma
Contact: Gwen Hewitt
When: Last Sunday of each month at 3:00 p.m.
Where: First American Bank
Writers' Guild of Arkansas
Location: Arkansas
Contact: Maeve Maddox, 479-444-9760
When: Three 10-week sessions, on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Where: Meetings alternate between Fayetteville and different venues in Benton County

Meet With Us!
Where: Zoom (email us for the link! OR Address of Meeting Locale)
Ada Writer's Group
Location: Ada, Oklahoma
Contact: Ken Lewis
When: Fourth Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. (or the third Saturday if a holiday conflicts)
Where: Ada Public Library in the upstairs meeting room

Bartlesville WordWeavers
Location: Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Contact: Jennifer McMurrain
Website: bvillewordweavers.blogspot.com
Helping writers of all genres and skill sets navigate their way through the ins and outs of the current publication world.
When: Third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Bartlesville Public Library

Invite to Write
Location: Virtual, based in Hydro, OklahomaInvite to Write is comprised of beginner through professional writers, those who wish to write as a hobby, as well as those who want to be or have been published. Wanting to improve writing skills, group members work together to help each other become better writers. The group meets on Zoom and is open to writers everywhere.

Meet With Us!
When: 2nd Thursday of each month at 8:00 p.m.
Where: Zoom (email us for the link!)