For grant information and follow up, we need to contact our state legislators, thanking them and encouraging them to continue supporting the arts. As Grant Director, in order to help the Oklahoma Writer’s Federation, Inc., to earn grants for the following year, I need copies of any letter or email that you send.
Turning the Page 2019 Conference Centerpieces
It’s time to think about the 51st OWFI Conference and the centerpieces that will grace our tables at the banquet. I am making a list of people interested in bringing centerpieces to the conference to promote their latest book, their favorite book or author, or just the talent of the writer. Make sure they are centerpieces that have to do with literature.
What’s New for OWFI This Fall?
How to Keep Your Account Updated
Oh, hi, OWFI! The conference is over, and it's a brand new year. You've learned a lot of stuff at the conference, and you're gonna use it going forward. Maybe you're starting a new website. Maybe you're getting a new phone. Maybe you're moving somewhere that'll give you more of what you need.
To stay connected with OWFI, you've got to keep your account updated. We want to celebrate your successes with you! If you just got published for the first time let us put you on our Published Authors page! You get to decide how much or how little you share with your fellow writers, but keeping your information updated helps us keep you informed as well.
Centerpieces for the Conference
The centerpieces will be on the tables at the conference for the Friday night banquet. You don’t have to have a new book this year – or a book at all, we still welcome your centerpiece. What genre do you write? Aspire to write? Maybe you love them all! Show us how you feel about writing and think about your story and things that are important, then begin to decorate! You can use any container, just a platter, maybe a stick! There’s beauty in simplicity.