Hello OWFI!
As the cooler weather begins to roll in, your OWFI officers and committee chairs are hard at work for you. You should expect your Fall newsletter, The Report, at the end of this month/beginning of November. It'll have all the info pertaining to the upcoming OWFI annual writing contest. I hope you're hard at work on your entries!
But FIRST! We have our 2nd OWFI Virtual Workshop with NY Times Best Selling Author, Ben Montgomery tomorrow, August 12th at 7 p.m. Have you signed up? You don't want to miss this!
**Feel free to log in to the Slack app 30 minutes before to socialize with your fellow OWFI members before the start of the program!**
Remember that the proceeds from these workshops go to pay the speaker and to support programs for our next conference. So by paying the $14 (no worse than a movie ticket these days), you're supporting making our 50th Anniversary Conference that much better! Plus you'll be learning something as Ben discusses all about writing an ending to your article or book that reverberates. Here is the link to sign up: https://www.owfi.org/virtualworkshops/