For grant information and follow up, we need to contact our state legislators, thanking them and encouraging them to continue supporting the arts. As Grant Director, in order to help the Oklahoma Writer’s Federation, Inc., to earn grants for the following year, I need copies of any letter or email that you send.
Countdown to the OWFI Conference
Hello, OWFI!
The 2019 OWFI Turning the Page Conference is in just one month!
If you haven’t registered yet, now is the time! Go to right now to register, and then come back and finish reading this post!
Turning the Page 2019 Conference Centerpieces
It’s time to think about the 51st OWFI Conference and the centerpieces that will grace our tables at the banquet. I am making a list of people interested in bringing centerpieces to the conference to promote their latest book, their favorite book or author, or just the talent of the writer. Make sure they are centerpieces that have to do with literature.
Countdown to the 2019 OWFI Conference
It’s February, the month of love. And what do I love about OWFI? Let me count the ways: the volunteers (you!); the excellent faculty lineup; the devoted officers, board, staff, and committee chairs; the fun costume contest; the inspiring basket wars, the themed luncheons, the exciting banquets…and the list could go on and on.
Holiday Traditions
Hello, OWFI!
Can you believe the holidays are already upon us? Traditions are important to me, and the holidays are a time to reflect on current traditions and add new ones. It’s also a good time to look forward to the new year just around the bend. Soon, I’ll begin setting writing goals for 2019. I’m a big believer in goal setting. I’ll set a large, overarching goal for the year and then break it down into smaller, more realistic goals to meet each month.