Category 1 — UnpublisheD pERSONAL bLOG

Sponsored by: Prestige Prose

1st Place:
”Revenge of the Balsa Wood” by Conni Eckstein
Member at Large

2nd Place:
”The Covid Diet–A Real Killer” by Vivian Zabel
Invite to Write

3rd Place:
”Mom’s Vacation” by Jennifer McMurrain
Bartlesville WordWeavers

1st Honorable Mention:
”Grandparent Fail?” by Dee Dee Chumley
The Inklings

2nd Honorable Mention:
”Turn the Page! It’s Time for the New Year!” by Christina Rost
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.


Category 2 — Unpublished eSSAY

Sponsored by: Norman Galaxy of Writers

1st Place:
”Curl Up and Die: Wiggins Out” by Lisbeth L. McCartney
Norman Galaxy of Writers

2nd Place:
”Nine Lives” by Nicki Rycroft
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.

3rd Place:
”Sip, Sip, Hooray!” by Russell Gayer
Ozark Mountains Guild of Writers

1st Honorable Mention:
”In the Trenches” by Joan Gerling
Tulsa Nightwriters

2nd Honorable Mention:
”In an AI World, Are Human Writers Already Obsolete?” by Holly Jahangiri

3rd Honorable Mention:
”Scout the Provider” by Heather Nuttall Westover
Tulsa NightWriters


Category 3 — Unpublished mEMOIR/nOSTALGIA

Sponsored by: Winona Bennett Cross

1st Place:
”Red Birds in the Snow” by Carol Garber
Tulsa Nightwriters

2nd Place:
”Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!” by Peter B. Tirrell
Member at Large

3rd Place:
”Last One on the Line” by Don Money
Member at Large

1st Honorable Mention:
”Learning Sam” by Barbara Pearson
Member at Large

2nd Honorable Mention:
”Gift Certificate for One Kitty” by Pepper Hume
Bartlesville WordWeavers

3rd Honorable Mention:
”River Camp” by Martha Bryant
The Inklings


Category 4 — Unpublished pROSE HUMOR

Sponsored by: Lisbeth L. McCarty

1st Place:
”Trouble in Paradise” by J. Allen Harris
Member At Large

2nd Place:
”First Grade Faux Pas: Finding the A-S-S in the Glass” by Aleasha Wales Shelnutt
Member at Large

3rd Place:
”Late-Night Conversation” by Jim Martin
Pen and Keyboard Writers

1st Honorable Mention:
“How Many Librarians Does it Take to Fill a Bug” by Susan Kite
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.

2nd Honorable Mention:
”Bonds of Matrimony” by M. Carolyn Steele
Tulsa NightWriters


Category 5 — Unpublished SCRIPT: Film, Play, TV

Sponsored by: The Inklings

1st Place:

Life and Times of Jesus Christ: The Epic Saga of Our Lord and Savior. A Christmas Program by Shelley E. White
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.

2nd Place:
Snap-On by Pepper Hume
Bartlesville WordWeavers

3rd Place:
Legal Hit by Shelley Anne Richter
Norman Galaxy of Writers

1st Honorable Mention:
The Stakeout by Bob Hargrove
Member at Large


Category 6 — Unpublished aRTICLE: Inspirational

Sponsored by: Kathlyn Carter Litteer

1st Place:
The Junction by Nancy Craig
Fort Worth Writers

2nd Place:
I Talked to an Angel by Mary Ann Kerl
McAlester’s McSherry Writers

3rd Place:
Puppy Love by Jennifer McMurrain
Bartlesville WordWeavers

1st Honorable Mention:
Spotted Nation-Smith by Shelley Ann Richter
Norman Galaxy of Writers

2nd Honorable Mention:
The Healing Work of Grief by Staci Mauney
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.


Category 7 — Unpublished Article: Non-Fiction Feature

Sponsored by: Pen & Keyboard Writers

1st Place:
3,500 Murals and Counting by Barbara Shepherd
Hunt and Peck

2nd Place:
Broken Hearted: Spreading CHD Awareness by Aleasha Wales Shelnutt
Member at Large

3rd Place:
The Seminole Negro Scouts and the Texas Indian Wars by John T. Biggs
Member at Large

1st Honorable Mention:
From Saddles to Sofas by Ann Cleary
Bartlesville WordWeavers


Category 8 — Unpublished Article: Technical/How-To

Sponsored by: Pen and Keyboard Writers

1st Place:
Lights, Camera, Action by Barbara Shepherd
Hunt and Peck

2nd Place:
How to Spot a Liar by Lisbeth L. McCartney
Norman Galaxy of Writers

3rd Place:
Promoting Your Book on Social Media by Jennifer McMurrain
Bartlesville WordWeavers

1st Honorable Mention:
How to Locate a Gas Well by Sally Jadlow
Kansas City Writers Group


Category 9 — Unpublished Poetry:Rhymed Short

Sponsored by: Enid Writers Club
In Memory of Hugh Hairs, Lajean Kirby, Betty Tuohy, and Eric McMillen

1st Place:
There is a Bird in My Woods by Peter B. Tirrell
Member at Large

2nd Place:
Icarus Vs. Midas by Nor Never
Rose Rock Writers

3rd Place:
Conflicted by Lisbeth L. McCarty
Norman Galaxy of Writers

1st Honorable Mention:
Time for Renewal by Carla J. Murphy
Texoma Writers

2nd Honorable Mention:
Where I Go by Aleasha Wales Shelnutt
Member at Large

3rd Honorable Mention:
Ambitions for a Thoroughbred by Shelley Anne Richter
Norman Galaxy of Writers


Category 10 — Unpublished Poetry: Rhymed Long

Sponsored by: Jacque Graham and K.N. Listman

1st Place:
Thr Raggedy Man by CM Healy
Member at Large

2nd Place:
Surrender by Kelly Bristow
The Inklings

3rd Place:
Release by Jennifer Wilson
Bartlesville WordWeavers

1st Honorable Mention:
Free by Jennifer McMurrain
Bartlesville WordWeavers

2nd Honorable Mention:
K.N. Listman
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.

3rd Honorable Mention:
One Little Hedgehog by Una Townsend
Hunt and Peck


Category 11 — Unpublished Poetry: Unrhymed Short

Sponsored by: The Inklings

1st Place:
Ode to a Fig by Roxana Cazan
Member at Large

2nd Place:
Imperfect by Judith Briggs Coker
Norman Galaxy of Writers

3rd Place:
Tepid Coffee by Holly Jahangiri
Pen and Keyboard Writers

1st Honorable Mention:
Medicated by Alice Collinsworth
Member at Large

2nd Honorable Mention:
Vast by Jennifer Wilson
Bartlesville WordWeavers

3rd Honorable Mention:
Remnants of Winter by Kelly Bristow
The Inklings


Category 12 — Unpublished Poetry: Unrhymed Long

1st Place:
The Last Homecoming by Eric Reitan
Rose Rock Writers

2nd Place:
Sestina for a Beloved Son by Alice Collinsworth
Member at Large

3rd Place:
On Approaching a Certain Birthday by Regina McClemore
Tahlequah Writers

1st Honorable Mention:
Pullin’ Cotton by Renee’ Hill
Invite to Write

2nd Honorable Mention:
Moods of a She by Shelley Anne Richter
Norman Galaxy of Writers

3rd Honorable Mention:
Minds at Work by Peter B. Tirrell
Member at Large


Category 13 — Unpublished Short Story: Flash Fiction

Sponsored by: Julia Mozingo

1st Place:
The Let Down by John T. Biggs
Member at Large

2nd Place:
Fall of an Icon by Russell Gayer
Ozark Mountains Guild of Writers

3rd Place:
Magents by Virginia Jeanean Doherty
Tulsa NightWriters

1st Honorable Mention:
Heading for War by Mary Ann Kerl
McAlester’s McSherry Writers

2nd Honorable Mention:
The Perfect Place by Kelly Bristow
The Inklings

3rd Honorable Mention:
The Distraction of Edward Macnair by Stephanie Lake
McAlester’s McSherry Writers


Category 14 — Unpublished Short Story: Juvenile

Sponsored by: Friends of Carolyn Leonard and Velda Brotherton,
in memorandum

1st Place:
Blame the Elf by Jennifer McMurrain
Bartlesville WordWeavers

2nd Place:
Scritch! It Came From the Mall! by Jennifer Sneed
Member at Large

3rd Place:
Waiting for the Bus by Una Belle Townsend
Hunt and Peck

1st Honorable Mention:
The Pig Promise by Lisbeth L. McCarty
Norman Galaxy of Writerss

2nd Honorable Mention:
Wrens on the Mop Head by Susan Kite
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.


Category 15 — Unpublished Short Story: Young Adult

Sponsored by: Nicholas Lyon

1st Place:
An Advocate for Him by Stephanie Lake
McAlester’s McSherry Writers

2nd Place:
The Bridge by Jennifer McMurrain
Bartlesville WordWeavers

3rd Place:
Charlie’s Android by James L. Murphy
Texoma Writers

1st Honorable Mention:
The Last Play by Inez Phillips
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.


Category 16 — Unpublished Short Story: Adult

Sponsored by: Julia Mozingo

1st Place:
Fade to Black by Christine Jarmola
Bartlesville WordWeavers

2nd Place:
Darling, Breakfast is Ready by Mary Ann Kerl
McAlester’s McSherry Writers

3rd Place:
Cold Case Files by Rondo Williams
Central Region Oklahoma Writers

1st Honorable Mention:
Little-Burnt-All-Over by Merle Davenport
Tulsa NightWriters

2nd Honorable Mention:
Never Leave Me by Vivian Zabel
Invite to Write

3rd Honorable Mention:
Tired Heart by Jeff Dosser
Member at Large


Category 17 — Unpublished Short, Short Story: Adult

Sponsored by: Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.

1st Place:
Interment Dilemma by Kelly Bristow
The Inkling

2nd Place:
Out of the Loop by Barbara Shepherd
Hunt and Peck

3rd Place:
Granny Thistle by Shelley Anne Richter
Norman Galaxy of Writers'

1st Honorable Mention:
Resurrection Sunday by Dee Dee Chumley
The Inklings


Category 18 — Unpublished Short, Short Story: Romance

Sponsored by: Green Country Ruff Riters

1st Place:
Make a New Plan, Stan by Shelley E. White
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.

2nd Place:
Fall For You by Christina Rost
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.

3rd Place:
Tally Turns 40 by Melissa Heath-Lee
McAlester’s McSherry Writers


Category 19 — Unpublished Short Story: Western

Sponsored by: Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.

1st Place:
Gunfight at the Slow Dog Saloon by Eric Reitan
Rose Rock Writers

2nd Place:
Born Ready by Shelley Anne Richter
Norman Galaxy of Writers

3rd Place:
Daffodil Waltz by Barbara Shepherd
Hunt and Peck


Category 20 — Unpublished Short Story: Horror

Sponsored by: F. Ray Gaskin

1st Place:
Methheads by TG Fuentes
Member at Large

2nd Place:
Bury the Hatchet or Bury a Friend by Nor Never
Rose Rock Writers

3rd Place:
Bird’s Eye View by Z Lee
Tulsa Writers Syndicate

1st Honorable Mention:
Grass Water Drop by Devon Mihesuah
Member at Large

2nd Honorable Mention:
A Daisy Kind of Girl by Eric Reitan
Rose Rock Writers


Category 21 — Unpublished Short Story: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Sponsored by: Kim Toscano

1st Place:
Who’s a Good Boy by John T. Biggs
Member at Large

2nd Place:
Sex, Dandruff, and Danger by DT Mularkey
McAlester’s McSherry Writers

3rd Place:
The Cookie-Cutter Man by Eloise Needleman
Bartlesville WordWeavers

1st Honorable Mention:
The Dolphin Code by Susan Kite
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.

2nd Honorable Mention:
The House That Wasn’t Haunted by Pepper Hume
Bartlesville WordWeavers


Category 22—Unpublished Book: Picture Book

Sponsored by: Dona Mularkey

1st Place:
Crosstown Hop by Kelly Bennett
Member at Large

2nd Place:
Mama Moon by Shirley Fessel
Kansas City Writers Group

3rd Place:
The Monster Under the Bed by Jennifer McMurrain
Bartlesville WordWeavers

1st Honorable Mention:
I Am Belva by Sally Hoch
Member at Large

2nd Honorable Mention:
One Soggy Dog by Heather G. Taylor
Kansas City Writers Group


Category 23—Unpublished Book: Middle Grade

1st Place:
Ron’s Unlikely Friend by Dee Dee Chumley
The Inklings

2nd Place:
Prime by Sally Hoch
Member at Large

3rd Place:
Warriors of the Starry Path by Susan Kite
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.

1st Honorable Mention:
The Queen and the Fiddler by Shelley Estes Pagach
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.


Category 24—Unpublished Book: Young Adult

Sponsored by: Whole Health—Mind, Body, Spirit with Rocksye

1st Place:
VR by R.D. Sadok
Bartlesville WordWeavers

2nd Place:
Mysti Clay and the Vampire’s Ruby Cave by Sharon Worthey
Rose Rock Writers

3rd Place:
To See the Night by Rebecca Loomis
Member at Large

1st Honorable Mention:
Under the August Moon by Haleigh Diann
Tulsa Writers Syndicate


Category 25—Unpublished Book: Non-Fiction

Sponsored by: Friends of Carolyn Leonard & Velma Brotherton,
in memorandum

1st Place:
A Path to Dignity and Purpose by Joan Gerling
Tulsa NightWriters

2nd Place:
The Hilee Chronicles by Deborah Shouse
Kansas City Writers Group

3rd Place:
The Madness of E.W. and Lydie Marland by Gary Robert Pinnell
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.


Category 26—Unpublished Book: Historical Fiction

Sponsored by: Winona Bennett Cross

1st Place:
Anna and the Madam by Linda A. Shelby
Oklahoma Romance Writers Guild

2nd Place:
The Final Decree by Nancy Craig
Fort Worth Writers

3rd Place:
My Son, Too by Vivian Zabel
Invite to Write

1st Honorable Mention:
Warmth at Willow Creek by Jennifer McMurrain
Bartlesville WordWeavers


Category 27—Unpublished Book: Mainstream

Sponsored by: Quill Hawk Publishing

1st Place:
Belonging by Nancy Craig
Fort Worth Writers

2nd Place:
Child of All Mothers by Jerri Epperson Garcia
Kansas City Writers Group

3rd Place:
The Lost Page Bookstore by Steven E. Wedel
Rose Rock Writers

1st Honorable Mention:
The Reckoning by Dianne McCartney
Rose Rock Writers


Category 28—Unpublished Book: Mystery/Suspense

Sponsored by: Amy Shojai, Furry Muse Publications

1st Place:
The Merry Widow by Christine Jarmola
Bartlesville WordWeavers

2nd Place:
Sew Dead by Jennifer McMurrain
Bartlesville WordWeavers

3rd Place:
The Traveling Companion by Kim Black

1st Honorable Mention:
Justice Denied by Cary Herwig
Rose Rock Writers

2nd Honorable Mention:
Stalked by Dice by Staci Mauney
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.


Category 29—Unpublished Book: Romance

Sponsored by: Oklahoma Romance Writers Guild

1st Place:
Ready or Knot by Jennifer McMurrain
Bartlesville WordWeavers

2nd Place:
Dakota Christmas Weddings by Mary Ann Kerl
McAlester’s McSherry Writers

3rd Place:
The Oracle’s Choice by Jennifer Wilson
Bartlesville WordWeavers

1st Honorable Mention:
Fighting for Love and Heaven by Darlinda Hagens
Pen and Keyboard Writers


Category 30—Unpublished Book: Horror

Sponsored by: Naughty Axes Playhouse

1st Place:
The Killing Kind by Nor Never
Rose Rock Writers

2nd Place:
Little Brother by John T. Biggs
Member at Large

3rd Place:
The Bone Carver by Dion Mayes-Burnett
Rose Rock Writers


Category 31—Unpublished Book: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Sponsored by: Rose Rock Writers

1st Place:
Voyage of the Sea Dragon: First Log by Susan Kite
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.

2nd Place:
Of Iron and Gold by Z Lee
Tulsa Writers Syndicate

3rd Place:
The Jumping Off Place by John T. Biggs
Member at Large


Category 32 — Published Book: Non-Fiction

Sponsored by: Amy Shojai, Furry Muse Publications

Trophy Winner:

Growing Old by Heather Nuttall Westover
Tulsa NightWriters


Category 33 — Published Book: Juvenile

Sponsored by: Sharon Sala

Trophy Winner:
Ron Finds His Courage by Dee Dee Chumley
The Inklings


Category 34 — Published Book: Young Adult

Trophy Winner:

Guardians of the Sixth Gate by Amy Prokopis
Member at Large


Category 35 — Published Book: Adult

Sponsored by: Lilybear House, LLC

Trophy Winner:

The Baptist Bootlegger by Nick Lyon
Rose Rock Writers


Category 36 — Published Book: Poetry

Sponsored by: Maria Veres

Trophy Winner:

Perspectives by Judith Rycroft
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.


Crème de la crème

Sponsored by: Dianne McCartney

Trophy Winner:

The Merry Widow by Christine Jarmola
Bartlesville WordWeavers